Documents, data, media (photos and videos), formatted text, external links. No limits on size or number.
Direct connection between content and social networks where the client is present (twitter, facebook, youtube).
All content of your web application can be managed through Simpleo. Customer information, news, products, services, portfolio, orders, schedule, surveys, quotes requests.
Content managed by Simpleo is presented in the form of lists with simplified management, with possibility of sorting, filtering and "start typing" search.
Each item of the list is editable and its content divided by interactive tabs.
Platform created entirely by Nostri and according to specifications of each customer.
Simpleo is an evolutionary platform in terms of modules and features.
All Web Applications that we developed have associated Google Analytics for monitoring site traffic.
In Simpleo is showned a summary of those statistics, with direct link to the full reports.
Beyond the modules content and statistics we include in Simpleo a support module that allows the customer to report any situation to Nostri, directly and with recgiste of incidents.
At the entrance of the application, after authentication, is the dashboard, a set of lists with the information more relevant and with more regular update.
Simpleo platform is online, with restricted access, with the possibility of multi-access for each client and access to different modules fir different users.